The Volume Photo Academy Presents
The #1 and Original School & Sports Photography Boot Camp.
Dallas TX (Grapevine). Monday, May 16 thru Thursday, May 19, 2022.
Now with TWO tracks – Basic-level and Advanced programming. TONS of new content!
If you’ve been wanting to start (or grow) a School, Sports or Childcare Center / Preschool photography component to your business, this is an event you don’t want to miss. Our annual Boot Camp is the most popular and longest-running high-volume educational event because it features both classroom and HANDS-ON learning experiences, with plenty of time for in-depth questions and answers.

There’s far more detailed and hands-on training here than is possible in any shorter 1-2 day program. Attendees leave with a 100+ page workbook full for valuable sales, marketing, operational and photography information including lighting and technical diagrams.

Best of all, every student completing the course will receive a “Certificate of Completion” showing you’ve completed the 32 hour curriculum covering the best practices of the industry. This proof of training can be especially helpful to include with your proposals for new business accounts. Attending the Boot Camp also gets you closer to becoming an ACCREDITED Volume Photographer thru training and Membership with the Volume Imaging Professionals™ Association.

The exceptional Instructors for the School & Sports Boot Camp teach PROVEN-TECHNIQUES to QUICK START your entry to the market, and help you grow your business exponentially. Even experienced Photographers tell us they’ve learned a wealth of new techniques and money-making strategies by attending. Here’s just part of what you’ll learn. We’ll also have advanced level breakouts on management for BIG volume studios.
Time-saving and cost-effective ways to find and prospect new accounts
How to make winning presentations to Schools, Preschools, & Sports Leagues.
Learn secrets to beating larger Regional and National competitors.
Learn how to SELL the new paradigms versus the old-fashioned traditional ways.
Online Prepay vs On-Site Prepay vs Online Proofing; what’s best and when?
Learn how to price your work to win the account while still maximizing profits.
Learn secrets of creating Package combinations that sell and encourage upsells.
Learn how to handle requests for Rebates and Commissions without breaking the bank.

How to effectively schedule picture days to minimize Staff & equipment needs.
Learn what Camera equipment, technology, lighting and backgrounds will you need.
Greenscreen. The BEST techniques for shooting it for best first-time results.
How to create the BEST picture day experience for Sponsors and Customers.
Learn SPEED POSING techniques to optimize your photography throughput.
Learn about Capture & production Automation utilizing barcodes and QR codes.

Production Software; Low, Medium and High Volume systems. What’s right for you?
Fast & efficient post-production in hours, not days.
Smart outsourcing to save you time & your sanity!
E-Commerce Systems. What’s really working? What’s best practice?
Customer Service and Account Retention. Keep ‘em happy!
Tips on hiring & compensating part-time, seasonal and freelance help.
Add-on Profits: Yearbooks, Sports Programs, Daycare Memory Books.
For Sports, we’ll be teaching both traditional AND Virtual-style photography.
Plus, Much. Much More!

Bring your camera. Build your sample image portfolio. Our hands-on practice shoots will provide you with ethnically-diverse, model-released images you can take home and use for your sample packages, products and marketing collateral.

RAYN GALLOWAY. On Tuesday, Rayn Galloway is the photography instructor for our Early Childhood / Preschool program. She’s with Legacy Photo Company in Nashville, TN. Rayn has photographed over 10,000 children in Centers and Preschools in her region, and she’s an expert on getting great expressions in working with children. She will take you on a journey through an amazing day of capturing memories in the early childhood setting, the mechanics behind the scenes, and the tips and tricks for that perfect smile with every child.

CHRIS WUNDER. Chris is undoubtedly the best-known name in Volume photography today. He founded and has taught the School and Sports Photography Boot Camp for the last 15 years and has trained thousands of photographers to be successful in all types of volume photography. Chris originated the proven “Power Sales” system for account acquisition and is affectionately known as “Lifetouch’ worst nightmare.” Chris will be teaching the Sales and Marketing program for School photography.

BENEDIKT GREIFENHOFER. Benedikt is the CEO of GotPhoto, the world’s fastest-growing e-commerce platform. He will teach programs about best practices in e-commerce for both smaller studios and larger, enterprise-level companies. Benedikt’s programs are always filled with TONS of valuable data about what consumers are looking for, and new value-added concepts guaranteed to improve your sales. You don’t have to be a GotPhoto user to apply what Benedikt will share to maximize your profits.

NIKKI STUECKRATH-GEERTSEMA. Nikki is currently the Volume Photography Client Manager at Marathon Press in Norfolk, NE. A highly experienced School and Senior photographer herself, Nikki will introduce you to and demonstrate the logistics of automated Yearbook layout for Schools. Nikki will discuss some case studies about working with schools in producing their layouts and the option to provide in-house layout as a service to schools without a paid yearbook advisor.

JEFF EDWARDS. Jeff is currently the CEO at Scholastic Reflections Photography in Milwaukee, WI, where they photograph over 200 schools annually. He was formerly the Sales Director at Inter-State Studio & Publishing Company, currently the #2 School photography provider in the US. Jeff will be teaching the ADVANCED-LEVEL breakouts in photography business management and planning, staffing, commission management, and yearbook sales. Jeff can help you take your business to the next level of sales and profitability.

MITCHELL MOORE. Mitchell is a Director of the Volume Photo Academy and a Sports photography provider in the Dallas, Tx. area. He’s also been a sports Photography Instructor at the Boot camp for over ten years. Mitchell was one of the creators of the “Virtual” group composite concept for Sports teams and large groups, but he’s equally qualified to teach out conventional Sports photography. If you want to grow your team and individual sports photography business, Mitchell is the man to help you do it.

MARION HUGHES. Marion Hughes is well-known as the “Yoda” of volume photography. His entertaining yet comprehensive programs will de-mystify all your technical questions and help you conduct a “picture-perfect” photo day. The inventor of the “Wibit” color correction device, Marion will teach you how to control all the variables under any lighting condition and get perfect exposure and color right out of your camera; NO photoshop needed! He’ll also teach speed-posing, and anti-eyeglass glare techniques to improve your picture day efficiency.

Vendors will also be on site for one-to-one demos of their software and products. At the Boot Camp, there’s plenty of time to get all your questions answered.
Get all this, 32 Hours of Expert Instruction, Model Shoots Workflow and Technology Demos, plus dedicated Vendor time for JUST $249 (Reg. $295) for the first person from your Studio, and $159 (Reg. $195) for additional attendees from your Studio.
Are you an Alumni of a previous School & Sports Boot Camp looking to UPDATE your knowledge? Enter code “Alumni” during check out and take $25 off all your Studio registrations. (Alumni discount subject to verification of previous attendance.)
The BOOT CAMP has SOLD OUT every year for the past fourteen years! Don’t wait.

HOTEL INFORMATION. The Boot Camp will be held at the Great Wolf Lodge, a Conference Center and family-oriented indoor waterpark located in Grapevine, TX, only a short UBER ride from the DFW International Airport. Their street address is: 100 Great wolf Drive, Grapevine, TX 76051. Their website is: https://www.greatwolf.com/grapevine
We’ve negotiated a special Boot Camp Group Rate of $129 (+ Tax) per night, for up to 4 adults and 2 children in a Family suite. This includes up to 4 WATER PARK PASSES per day as well. To reserve your Suite, call the Great Wolf Customer Contact Center at 866-962-9653 or visit their website at www.greatwolf.com. When you contact them, identify yourself with the Group Block Offer Code: 2205VOLUME. Book ASAP as we have only a limited number of rooms available at this price, and when they are gone, they’re gone.
Please note that for the Boot Camp, we ask that all out-of-town attendees please stay in the host hotel. We have a room commitment to fulfill which allows us to keep our Workshop prices low. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Not sure about attending? Think again. Check out our references! We’re highly recommended.
Here’s what other photographers have said about the learning experience and the quality of instruction from the School and Sports Photography Boot Camp. (Quotes from Attendee Exit Surveys)

This was THE best class I’ve ever taken. I couldn’t imagine it getting any better.
About Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC.

Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC (VIP) is THE industry Trade Group representing High Volume Photographers founded at our inaugural meeting held at the School and Sports Photographers Annual Conference (SPAC) in January, 2019. Our main goals are to
Establish an Accreditation Program for High Volume Photographers thereby setting standards of performance excellence and raising the bar to competition.
Provide access to intensive, specialized education tailored to the skill sets required by the high-volume photography industry; and especially for those photographers just entering the market.
Provide advocacy for our public relations, legal and business interests including a united voice to fight anti-competitive practices by the large, national and regional competitors.
Leverage our combined buying power to lower costs to our members and influence the development of equipment and technologies useful to the development of our business.
To learn more about VIP, visit our Website at www.volumeimagingpros.com or email Chris Wunder, its Executive Director at: ChrisW@VolumeImagingPros.com or by phone at (704) 763-0409.