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The 2020 School, Sports & Preschool Volume Photography Boot Camps are now available as ONLINE COURSES.
The #1 Original School & Sports Photography Boot Camp is ONLINE!
While the COVID-19 crisis has made it impossible to offer our popular LIVE TRAINING Boot Camps this year, our NEW, ONLINE COURSES are the is the next best thing to get you ready to start or grow your volume photography business.
These are the most comprehensive training programs about VOLUME photography ever produced. Totaling almost 60 hours of video content from highly-experienced Instructors, these courses teach “best practices” in operating a successful volume photography business serving Schools, Preschools & Sports photography markets.
You’ll have the convenience & flexibility of learning at home on YOUR schedule, and with NO travel expenses. There are TWO different education-rich courses currently offered.
The SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY course curriculum will teach you a PROVEN PROGRAM to get the accounts and service Public & Private Schools, Preschools, and Early Childhood Centers.
The SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY course curriculum will lead you step-by-step in getting business and servicing both Youth Sports Leagues and Scholastic Sports programs for Middle Schools & High Schools.

Check out the comprehensive course curriculum here:
- An overview of the US (K-11) School Photography Market
- More than headshots. Multiple money-making opportunities
- School Photography service standards expected of you
- An action plan for your School Photography business startup
- Who hires the photographer? Three common decision-maker scenarios
- Prospecting for the RIGHT schools; when & to whom?
- “Transitions” of decision-makers & influencers spells opportunity
- Competitive advantage: Proven business acquisition strategies
- Introducing the “Power Sales” System – Steps 1 thru 3
- Gathering Intelligence: getting ahead of the competition
- The 5-minute “Fact-Finding” pre-qualifier visit
- The all-important Introduction Meeting; 4 key questions to ask.
- School Commissions & Rebates: Best ways to approach them
- The “Net Pricing” strategy – A powerful competition-beater
- The “Power Sales” system – Steps 3 thru 6
- Preparing for & executing the perfect sales presentation
- Tips to close the sale, including the last-ditch “Hail Mary” close
- How to overcome common sales objections
- Essential steps to prep for & market Picture Day
- Schools’ service expectations that you’ve never heard of before
- Class Group photos, Class composites, & Spring Portraits
- Yearbook programs; Why you also need to offer this service
- What’s in a typical “Day in the Life” of a School Photographer?
- Tips for site selection & environmental control
- “Murphy’s Laws” of setting up & picture-day procedures
- Looking & conducting yourself like a seasoned professional
- Automating your image capture & student identification
- The importance of school-provided student data in the process
- Overview of linking your portraits with customer identification & orders
- Capture automation: tethered & non-tethered barcode / QC Code scenarios
- Recommended equipment & specialized products you’ll need
- Why offering background options is essential for success
- How to offer background variety without using greenscreen
- A Greenscreen primer – more details coming in a later unit!
- End-of-day procedures & the picture-day re-booking process
- Postproduction processes to get your job prepped & lab-ready
- Developing a relationship with a School Lab
- Is your current lab the RIGHT lab for School Portrait processing
- Technical Training: Get perfect exposure & color – without PhotoShop
- Portable studio setup demos & EZ lighting diagrams
- Best practices for set-up & photographing with Green Screen
- The 5 feet / 10-second rule. Why it’s critical to your success
- Troubleshooting typical photography & technical issues
- Photographer Training: Portrait requirements & consumer expectations
- Tips for recruiting, hiring & compensation of seasonal photographers
- Photographers responsibilities, job descriptions, & evaluation
- Customer Service policies & communications
- Make-up day scheduling & Retake policies
- Other photography-based opportunities in Schools
- Make yourself indispensable & keep customers loyal
- Overview of the market and opportunities
- Sales & Marketing to Early Childhood Centers
- Tips for beating national & regional competitors
- Let’s walk through a typical Early Childhood Photo Day
- Tips for working with Kids – by age level; Newborns to Age 4
- Photo sets, backgrounds, props & posing ideas
- An overview of the Sports Photography Market in the U.S. and Canada
- Learn the Difference – T&I, Action, and Scholastic
- The Bar is Low – see the current expectations of your potential customer base
- The most valuable Why’s you should be excelling at Sports Photography
- Solutions you can use – to Raise the Bar
- Are you In the Game? – or On the Bench with your current product set?
- Beating the Competition – It’s Simple – but it’s NOT Easy
- 5 Keys to Your Success – The Process
- K.I.S.S. – 4 Basic Principles to run your season
- Who buys the most – and how can you serve your Champions?
- Pricelists – print or digital – or both?
- Maximizing your pricelist real estate for top sales and profits
- How to analyze your past pricelist for future performance
- Let’s Get Engaged – Top Ways to Engage with your dependents
- What is a Dependent and why aren’t they clients?
- Dealing with conflicting desires and goals in dependents
- Be Present – An easy way to get front and center with each dependent
- Picture Day on Game Day vs. Dedicated Day – which is better?
- Staffing – know your needs – and limitations
- The Staff Code of Conduct
- Contractors or Employees – who and how many?
- All Cleaned Up – Staff branding and appearance – how to manage right expectations
- Staggered staffing – how to know who and when to schedule staff
- Picture Time Scheduling – Why YOU must do the schedules
- Scheduling 101 – breaking down the elements needed to succeed
- Don’t Stress – scheduling is not that hard – and it’s necessary to hit high buy rates
- 5 Points of Communication to ensure team participation with Picture Day
- Photographic Techniques – Right Gear – Right Time
- Ways to get Great Shots – right out of the camera
- Sports Posing for Team & Individual shots
- Only Professional Lighting and how to manage it throughout the day
- Gear List of what you need to be successful; Basics to Going Big
- Outdoor Sports T&I Photography – do you need to Pitch a Tent?
- Picture Day – Checklists and details Before, During, & After the Shoot
- STOP! – and Backup; proper image control and backup procedures
- You’ve got the images – now what
- Working with the right Sports Photography Photo Lab
- Running the Numbers – Run a Simple P&L (I’ll give you one)
- The New Reality – Virtually; Virtual Teams Photography
- Problems it solves vs. Challenges it creates
- You DO have a location nearby
- Customer flow and posing
- Virtual Picture Day process – how it differs
- Data, Data, Data
- Scholastic Sports – handling this unique relationship
- Pre-Shoot Interview; 15 questions to make sure you can answer
- Paradigm shift – from League Sports to Scholastic Sports
- Maximizing the Shot List – make sure you get them all
- 1 process that 10X’d our scholastic sports
- Sports Photo Marketing – how to calculate how much you HAVE to book
- What’s Hold You Back? – Is it YOU? and how to overcome it if it is
- Timing is Critical to filling the Pipeline for year-round business
- The top ways to find teams looking for a new photographer
- This is NOT a Sales Pitch!!! How to book teams Without Selling Anything!
- LEAGUE BOARD PRESENTATION – start to finish with a Yes!
- You’re not done yet – how to communicate and build your brand after the Yes
- Modern methods to get more online sales
- Become a Whymaster! – Discover WHY Decision Makers do what they do
- Sales Funnels for Volume Photographers – Training and Free Funnel Templates to get in front of sports parents and decision makers where they hang out

Together these courses teach far more valuable content and provide more detail than any 1-3 day workshop. Study the video lessons at your own pace. Review the hundreds of pages of PDF workbooks, photo technical manuals, lighting, and posing diagrams, which are all provided with each course. You’ll find the course materials to be indispensable resources to help you build and grow your business.
We also provide LIVE online Q&A Sessions for our attendees, as well as access to our PRIVATE Facebook Group, where you can interact with other attendees, share ideas, ask questions, and get MOTIVATED!
Not Convinced? Hear what other photographers have said about the learning experience and the quality of instruction from the School & Sports Photography Bootcamp
(Quotes from Attendee Exit Surveys)
- “The info sharing from the presenters will save my studio years of trial and error.”
- “This was THE best class I’ve ever taken. I couldn’t imagine it getting any better.”
- “The amount of information is mind-blowing. Exactly what we needed.”
- “I don’t know anywhere else you can get this kind of experience and education. Invaluable!”
- “This program exceeded my expectations with a combo of presentations and hands-on experience.”
- “Dynamic presenters. Tons of great info. Shared experiences and knowledge.”
- “Loved how modern the techniques and equipment skills taught were. Greenscreen for the win!”
- “Extremely thorough. Mind blowing. Flying colors across the board.”
- “The Boot Camp has totally changed my life & business; FOR THE BETTER!”

Best yet, You can get started right away!
Register NOW for either the SCHOOL or SPORTS online courses or sign up for BOTH at a special COMBO price. Registration for EITHER the School or Sports Online Courses is only $149. Get the money-saving bundle of BOTH courses for only $249, (Save $49) This can be the BEST INVESTMENT you'll ever make in helping grow your volume photography business. REGISTER TODAY!
Please note that all Boot Camp materials are Copyright 2020, by BigMoneyPhotography.com and are for the private use ONLY of those purchasing access. You may share the content within your own Company, but not copy or distribute the links or content to others. Each link is uniquely traceable back to the IP address and Copyright violators are subject to Civil and Criminal penalties. Sorry, NO REFUNDS or TRANSFERS will be offered for this Online Boot Camp.
Your Instructors. They will be joined by Guest Instructors and Presenters during the Bootcamp

Lead School Photo Instructor, Chris Wunder, Cr. Photog. ASP is one of the most recognized names in the volume photography industry, and was recently featured in an article about School Photography in the New York Times. Over his 35+ year career in the business, Chris has owned and operated a large multi-state high-volume photography business, been a corporate executive for a large national mass-market School & Sports photography company, the CEO of PortraitEFX, a Photography Franchise Corporation and is now the Executive Director of the new Industry Trade Association; Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC. He’s a very popular platform speaker; having presented at virtually every major photo venue, and also originated the School & Sports Photography Boot Camps which have helped thousands of photographers get their start. He has authored numerous articles and two books on high volume photography available at www.bigmoneyphotography.com as well as a DVD Educational Series available through Marathon Press

Lead Sports Photography Instructor, Mitchell Moore has been in photography for over 25 years as a School photographer, a Sports photography business owner and a Photography Franchise owner and developer. Mitchell was one of the early creators of the “virtual” style of composited sports team photography and is widely regarded as an expert in green screen production. He’s been an instructor at the Boot Camp for five years. He’s still an active sports photography business owner in the Dallas, Texas area and also Mentors other studios all over Texas and the US as Franchise President. Mitchell originated both BigMoneyPhotography.com and BigMoneyU.com. the first online communities dedicated to helping both high-volume photographers grow their business through information sharing and online education. As a part of his commitment to give back to the industry, Mitchell also currently serves as Director of Operations for the Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC
About Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC.

Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC (VIP) is THE industry Trade Group representing High Volume Photographers. Our organization was founded at the School and Sports Photographers Annual Conference (SPAC) in January, 2019. Our main goals are to:
- Establish an Accreditation Program for High Volume Photographers thereby setting standards of performance excellence and raising the bar to the competition.
- Provide access to intensive, specialized education tailored to the skill sets required by the high-volume photography industry; and especially for those photographers just entering the market.
- Provide advocacy for our public relations, legal and business interests including a united voice to fight anti-competitive practices by the large, national competitors.
- Leverage our combined buying power to lower costs to our members and influence the development of equipment and technologies useful to the development of our business.
To learn more about VIP, visit our Website at www.volumeimagingpros.com or email Chris Wunder, its Executive Director at: ChrisW@VolumeImagingPros.com or by phone at (704) 763-0409.
The ONLINE Volume Boot Camp is Sponsored by